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Friday, May 18, 2012

Wheeler Farm

A group of women in my ward got together to go up to Wheeler Farm for a few hours.  Ok, so I know I rarely, if ever, actually read through zoo blog posts.  So if you skip this one, I will forgive you.  However, you must watch the video first.  Because it's hilarious.  Some older boys were chasing the geese and ducks around and Kessa saw them and wandered over.  I thought she just wanted to see the birds.  Turns out, though, she thought it looked like great fun to chase.  I don't think she really thought of it as chasing, so much as running with the geese.  She was so mad when I made her go back.  (Sorry it's bouncy.  I was jogging to keep up.)

I fail at remembering essential things during outings.  For example, I didn't think to bring a stroller.  So here is Kessa sharing another kid's stroller.  (A few of the moms took turns holding Abby so I could keep up with Kessa. Thank you so, so much other moms!)



Sheep/lambs (we learned they bob the tails for cleanliness)


Driving a tractor

Climbing the fence, despite all the Do Not Climb Fence signs

Woah.  Big horns.

Yes, Papa Homer, this picture is for you.

Chicken, rooster, and egg!

Chatting about the pony

Muching on bread (meant for geese) while watching cows

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