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Thursday, February 12, 2009


BJ and I are babysitting for my brother and his wife this weekend so they can have a getaway. I have no qualms with this, as they're among the easiest kids I've ever babysat. Anyway, so Hunter is the youngest at age 4 and is definitely at the age of "Kids say the darndest things." Here are my two favorites of the night.

1. I was giving Hunter a piggy-back ride, and he wanted me to go upstairs and then back down. It took me a bit to get up there, since I tend to go a lot slower during pregnancy, and by the time we were on the way back down, he informed me that I could go faster.
Me: "Well, the baby in my belly makes me tired faster, so it's hard to go fast."
Hunter: "Oh."
Me: "Did you know I had a baby in my belly?"
Hunter: "No. Did you eat one?"

2. Instead of Tabasco sauce, Hunter says Tabasketball sauce. hehe


Tay said...

so, did you eat one?

Kim said...

That is funny! 4 year olds are the best.