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Sunday, January 8, 2012

36.5 weeks

People are starting to comment that I haven't posted any pregnancy pictures.  Well, that's because I don't have any.  With Kessa I took at least one per week (Even though I can't seem to find those pictures).  My second baby hasn't even been born yet and already I'm one of those moms.  I guess it was inevitable.  Anyway, so here I am at 36 weeks and 3 days.  Thursday I'll be considered full term.  I definitely feel bigger this pregnancy than I did with Kessa.  BJ thinks my belly looks like a bell curve in this picture.

And for everyone who missed it in one of my latest really long updates, we plan on naming this baby Abigail Pearl Homer.

And in the spirit of full disclosure, as I've realized there are people I'm quite close to that had no clue about this, I'm also planning a home birth.  I haven't really told a lot of people because I know some people freak out about it.  And I don't want negativity surrounding this birth.  So let's play by the rule here that if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.  K?  I figure it'll come out eventually, once I post the birth story.  And I want to make sure that those people who really care know about it.

*Yes, there is a hospital nearby.  Yes, I plan on transferring to a hospital if anything goes wrong during labor or birth.  No, I'm not scared about giving birth at home.  Yes, I've researched it.  Yes, I will have a midwife present.  Other questions are welcome, so long as they abide by the being nice rule above.


Unknown said...

So close! I'm excited for you.

Also, the, "If you cant' say something nice" rule seems like a it should be a rule of thumb everywhere on the internet. I hate reading some awesome story, and then having it be followed by a whole lot of terrible comments, or political diatribes etc.

For what it's worth, I support your decision, and I can't wait to read the birth story when you write about it.

Carly said...

I was just wondering the other day how far along you were. Now I know! Way farther than I thought!!

And GO YOU for doing a home birth. I just watched (part) of a pretty controversial documentary about birth... fascinating. I'm all about natural. Jeremy always says to me: "but not at home, ok?" so I'm bound :). But I totally support you home birthers!! Can't wait to read all about it :)

(ps and the name is beautiful. I especially love Pearl... so so pretty!)

Alison Berrett said...

My sister did an at home birth with her first and loved it. But due to complications her last three were delivered c-section in the hospital! More power to ya! Good luck!

Jul said...

You go, Tianna! Good luck! :)

Travis Lovell said...

Tomatoes are gross!!! (Someone had to break the rule)

Cbelle said...

I am SOOOOO jealous! My husband didn't feel comfortable about me trying a home birth with our first, and then since things didn't go well (almost had to have a ceaserean, with midwives at a hospital) he won't feel ok about having one until I have a birth without any big problems. So our second (which is due in July) will be in the same hospital with my midwives again. Wish me luck! My sister had her last two at home though and had a great experience.

Lindsay said...

One of my friends in my ward here delivered her last baby at home. While that route didn't appeal to most of us, it worked well for her (and, bonus, she didn't have deliver in a crowded Brooklyn hospital, which, believe me, is a definite plus). The thing we were all mostly curious about was: who cleaned up the mess? The midwife? The husband? I don't think we ever even followed up after her son was born, so I still have no idea. :)

Thora said...

I want a home birth - there's a chance I might get one, if we have the baby in Utah while were there this Summer when Avram's teaching at BYU - but then we have to hang out there for an extra three weeks or so, doing nothing. Which means we'll probably race back across the country, and have a hospital birth here (homebirth midwives in Ohio are expensive!) Booo. I really want a homebirth too - exciting for you, I can't wait to hear about it! (and I bet you can't either - :)).

Tianna said...

Lindsay - I can't answer for your friends' midwife, but from what I read on birthing blogs and based on what my midwife has told me, the general answer is the midwife cleans up the mess. Typically that includes putting in a load of laundry, emptying garbages, pumping/draining the tub (if one is used), etc. I'm responsible to provide various things (like I'll buy a birth kit that includes things like chux pads, and I'm also supposed to have extra sheets and towels (esp. if I'm doing a water birth) and stuff like that) but the midwife will do the cleanup.

Bingham Co said...

Leave it up to Trav to break the rule :) BTW - Trav, that is just a matter of opinion. Tomatoes are scrumptious. Enough of the sibling rivalry.

Tianna - still trying to work it to come see you for this birth :) I have it worked out (almost) - Just need to convince the other side.

Keep me informed!!! Didn't need to say that because I know you will!!!

Kim said...

I agree with Travis, tomatoes are gross. Good luck, you are a much stronger woman than I. Good, luck, I can't wait to meet our new little niece. I have been surrounded by way too many boys, Lexi and I are excited to have a little more girl power join the family.

Kim said...

I just realized I said good luck twice. I guess that means double luck.

Denise said...

I am glad to hear about your plans. :) I wish home birth/birthing with midwives was more prevalent. I'll be waiting to hear how it goes!

Marble Madness said...

My Mom had 6 out of her 11 children at home and LOVED it! She also faced a lot of nay-sayers, but in the end she followed what she felt was best. In fact, after she had started having homebirths, she faced a lot of pressure one pregnancy and was committed until the day of the birth and felt distinctly to go to the hospital. Ended up being a good decision. The following children were still born at home.

Follow what you think is best and you won't regret it!

Congrats! :)