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Friday, September 26, 2008

One step at a time

In an attempt to legalize my music, I've been going through my iTunes and categorizing music by Mine and Not Mine. (I have collected my fair share of roommates' music throughout the years.) Tonight I started deleting music that wasn't mine and that I didn't care enough about to actually purchase. This was rather difficult. Although I don't like them enough to buy them, they are songs I still liked enough to listen to. But... I did it. Here are the stats:

Deleted songs: 1,034
Songs I want to buy (so I didn't delete): 721
Songs I own: 781

So I've still got a ways to go, but I think I made a really good start today. Perhaps now they'll all fit on my iPod again. Now it's a matter of talking myself into purchasing music that I already have on my computer. It's just harder, y'know? I'm putting out money but getting nothing in return except peace of mind. But I'm convinced that it'll be worth it. I look forward to the day that I can say that all of my music legally belongs to me.


Jessica said...

Good for you. Having legal music has been a platform (soap box?) of mine for a long time. Something about being honest in all my dealings...

I'm proud of you.

bismark said...

ive been doing the same thing too. honestly its taken me a bit longer than i had hoped, but one way i have able to encourage myself is by buying two cds, one of music that i have that i havent purchased, and then one brand new one. that keeps me excited to get the music, and it means i usually get the free shipping from amazon (over $25). i do this every few months, and i am getting much closer to all of my music being purchased.

Luke and Erin said...

good for you. I was thinking about it the other day...I sadly haven't done anyting about it--someday!