Dearest Tianna,
Thank you for allowing me to take part in the memorable birth of Abigail. I was honored to be able to help you achieve the birth you and BJ had envisioned.
I arrived at your home around 5:45 pm on Thursday evening, January 26th 2012. Your home was peaceful, calm and organized. You, my dear, were glowing! So full of excitement, so calm but yet a bit anxious to get the show on the road. You wanted to wait for BJ and Jalin to arrive to eat dinner together, but after finding out they were 30 minutes from arriving, you went ahead and ate without them. I had such a great time playing puzzles and reading books with Kessa on the floor. What a sweet, remarkable child you have!
BJ and Jalin arrived shortly after you had finished your dinner as well as your sister in laws, mother and father in law. They were bringing in a box spring, mattress and dresser to set up a room for Jalin to stay for a few days to help you out after Abby arrived. Your mother in law and sister in law stayed for a bit and after a while, kisses were given and hugs were exchanged. Kessa was excited and ready to go to grandmas for a few days!
After about 30 minutes or so, we all started wondering,” Where is Heather?” I sent her a text and you made a phone call. She was waiting for a confirmation that you wanted to start a “natural induction” being you were already 6 cm dilated and 100% effaced and Abby was at a +2 station. I still am amazed at how calm and collected you were and how you were able to move so gracefully!
Heather arrived around 7:00. Heather and I headed upstairs to start setting up shop and you were down in the kitchen with BJ and Jalin. We gave you one dose of Gelsemium and Caullophylum, a natural homeopathic used to stimulate contractions. (Just for your information, one dose would not have started strong contractions. Typically, one needs 1 dose every hour until contractions are strong and regular- you went into labor all on your own!) After taking the homeopathic, we suggested you get changed so Heather could perform an exam and insert Evening Primrose Oil directly on your cervix to help soften and thin it out. While getting changed in the bathroom, your water broke and completely shocked you! Heather did an exam and found you were 8 cm dilated! Amazing! She did insert Evening Primrose Oil to help speed things along, but you didn’t need much of it! We rubbed your tummy with clary sage and fennel, another essential oil used to bring on contractions. We did this for about 30 minutes or so.
Around 8:00 or so, we went for a nice little walk down the stairs. By this time, contractions started picking up. We tried doing a hip press, but you hated it! All you wanted to do was sit on a birth ball! So, we ventured on upstairs. As you labored on the birth ball, we tried doing a knee press. Nope. That was a big no go as well! All you really wanted was your back to be massaged and to lean on BJ for support while the tub was filling up. After about 45 minutes of laboring on the ball, it was time for you to get into the warm birthing tub. This was very relaxing to you. You labored on your hands and knees, leaning over the tub while BJ softly, gently and lovingly whispered into your ear. The love and peace that I felt in that room was astounding. Even as I type your birth story, feelings of that day come rushing back. I have never in my life, aside from my own personal births, felt so connected to the spirit as I did as you labored to bring Abby into this world. I felt as though I had one foot here on earth and one foot in heaven. The love, peace, and tranquility I felt at Abby’s birth were amazing. I am in awe of you, Tianna. The love you and BJ have for each other is remarkable. Kessa and Abby are blessed to have you as parents.
You completely connected with your body and Abby and did not need any guidance to deliver Abby. Around 9:40, you felt the urge to push. You just did what felt natural. Abby was born at 9:54 pm in the comfort of your own room, in warm, soothing water. She was beautiful, peaceful and so quiet! I attribute that to you and the way you handled natural labor! You were so calm and relaxed during the entire process.
Thank you, Tianna and BJ for allowing me to be part of your birth team. All of my clients hold a special place in my heart and you are no exception. May God continue to bless you and your remarkable family. Much love to you all.
Carrie Valadez, your Birth Doula
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