Our youth fundraiser was on Tuesday. It was a Mexican fiesta. There were carnival games and dinner and then a Mariachi band and a vocal and silent auction. It was really fun and the girls loved it. We ended up walking out of there with a baby boy blanket with two matching burp clothes, a MoTab CD, an auto detail, tax prep (I really need to use that one soon), 4 hours of labor building shelves (for the cold storage for my canned food!), and a $10 gift card to ColdStone. It was pretty darn impressive, if you ask me!
Wednesday was Kessa's unbirthday celebration at preschool. That morning we headed down to Orem so I could get some stuff for my craft night that night. And locked my keys in the car at Joann. [sigh] I learned that USAA will send someone to unlock the car, but from SLC. So it would take an hour. On the other hand, Orem police will come in about 5-10 mins. Unfortunately I called USAA first. Then my neighbor who was going to come, but because of bad decision making on my part, she ended up not being able to because she was driving car pool and was going to be late. By then I had cancelled USAA, so then I finally called Orem police. So it still took an hour. And then we had to stop and get lunch and drive Kessa straight to preschool where she was 20 mins late. It wouldn't have mattered at all, except it was her unbirthday party. So I felt bad. But she took it well and still had a great time. Then that night I hosted my craft night. It was really fun. I believe there were 7 of us there. I made a really cute leprechaun hat out of 2x4 blocks. I definitely think we're going to make this a regular thing. It was good for me.

Thursday morning Abby and I went with Kessa to Joy School. They had been studying They Joy of Spontaneous Delight and wanted to share that delight with us. So they got to choose their favorite things they did on Tuesday and do it again with moms and siblings. We blew bubbles with straws in a bowl of water and dish soap. We shook hands with a doorknob with a glove on it. And we played a finding game called Huckle Buckle ... something. I forget. But it was really fun! Thursday afternoon I went through two large tubs of boy clothes my neighbor gave me and sorted them by size and put them in their own bins. Holy cow. I think I'm set for his first 18ish months of life. I really have the most generous friends! I hope to be able to pay this forward someday. Then that evening I had a 2-hour district scouting meeting. Which is always fun. [cough]
Friday... I think may have actually been free. I can't remember anything specific for that night, anyway. Which is probably why we finally finished reading that night! :D I was ahead of BJ (he may read faster, but I had time during the day when he worked) and we decided to read the last couple of chapters together, so I speculated and looked things up while I waited. Then we read one viewpoint at a time in the last two chapters, then stopped and talked about them. Holy cow, there is one part that just blew me away. But... I can't tell you what it is. Obviously. But I sat there, eyes wide, gasping with BJ laughing (he hadn't read it yet) and saying, "I wish I had caught that on video!" So, without spoiling anything, I'll just say it's really, really good. (And anyone reading this that has also read the book and wants to talk about it, let me know! I wanna talk about it!)
Saturday was BJ's bday! He's the big 3-0! A whole new decade. (That young chap finally caught up to me. About time. It's weird being a decade above your husband. :D)
We started with German pancakes (at Kessa's request. "Daddy can choose what we have for lunch and dinner, but we get to choose breakfast." Hahaha) Then he did tech support for my mom. Then we went up to your parents' where Abby napped and we played Ticket to Ride Marklin with your parents. And ate paninis for lunch. Mmmm. Then we went down to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point and met up with Travis. I'm going to make that its own post, though, because of many pictures. Then we went to Cafe Rio. Because it's the one time of year I just can't deny BJ his favorite restaurant. Haha.
Today was Daylight Savings. (Which we're assuming you don't have there. So just know that we're one hour off from what you're used to us being now.) I was bragging about how it's not so bad to lose an hour when you don't have church until 11. So then I got an email telling me I had a 7 am stake council meeting. [sigh] Fair warning: don't brag about things. So I got up before the crack of dawn, went to a meeting (an incredibly short meeting, I'll add), then came home and slept for 2-3 hours. Then went to church at 11. Haha. This week was my ward's ward conference, so that was fun to be there in my own Primary. Kessa even had the scripture and I was already in there to help her! She was adorable to watch during Sharing/Singing Time. She sat on her teacher's lap for half of it. She sang with all her heart. And when she actually paid attention, she was very into it all.
My secretary sat in on the first half of nursery. She came out telling me that Abby is the perfect nursery child. She did everything she was supposed to. She played, cleaned up, and sang songs. Awww. Way to make my day. BJ said he didn't even have trouble dropping her off. She just walked in, saw her friends, Reid and Redick, and was good to go. (Funny story: those two boys have developed a 2-year old crush on Abby. Apparently they're constantly asking their mom, "Abby? Abby?" Awww.)
After Abby's nap we headed up to your parents' for BJ's bday dinner. We played Clue with Shawn, Resa, Nick, and Chelsea. (Chelsea won, though BJ and I were both going to guess the same thing that very round.) And guess what BJ got from your parents? Scripture Scouts! Did you ever listen those those? Or was it just the boys? Anyway, that's gonna be fun. We listened to Jesus' birth on the way home, and Abby would sing along when she could figure out the words. Especially the word "birthday". She tried to get us to sing Happy Birthday to BJ about a dozen times in a row tonight. We only did it once. But she kept trying! She apparently loves that song.
Other randomness/Kessaism:
- Abby is obsessed with the book Fancy Nancy. She knows at least one word for each page. Words like: accessories, posh, ooh-la-la, and pinkie. She makes us read it to her probably 5 times per day. Her favorite part is "I slip. I trip. The tray does a double flip." Which is what we say every time she or Kessa trips. When Nancy trips she spills a bunch of ice cream and makes a huge mess. Which Abby loves to point out. Sometimes she'll just sit there for 10 minutes, with the page open to the mess, doing other things, but refusing to let anyone turn the page. She's got a thing with messes, too...
- We put a stool under our front window so Abby could see outside. Best decision ever. She's up there right now announcing everything she sees. "I see car!" "I see truck!" She spends hours up there over the course of the day. Though, she's pretty sad that there are no longer construction trucks across the street.
- Kessa: You know, mom, it’s not all that much to count to 100.
Me: Oh? It’s not?
Kessa: No! See, all you do is [proceeds to count to 100]. That wasn’t so much, right?
- The morning of BJ's birthday Kessa came into our room and told BJ happy birthday and proclaimed that he was now 30. BJ: "I know, I'm old, huh?" "Don't worry, daddy. When you die and come alive again, you'll be a smaller number."
~ Tianna and Co.
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