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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Happy Valentines... a few days late!

Jessa ~

It doesn't seem that this week had much going.  I wonder, then, why the heck I am so tired... haha

Tuesday we were going to have one of my high school friends over for dinner, so she could try out Voldemoo, but she had to cancel last minute.  Earlier that day one of BJ's college friends posted that she had extra key lime pie if anyone wanted it, so he suggested we invite her and her family over to help us eat the roast I'd cooked.  I was skeptical as it was already 5:00, but surprisingly, she didn't have any dinner plans yet, so they came over.  Their two kids played well with our two kids, so we pretty much just let them roam and play while we taught them Kingdom Builder (after dinner).  And then we all ate their leftover pie.  It was really fun.

Valentine's Day was this week.  Kessa made a bunch of valentines for her preschool class.  It consisted of a pencil stuck through a heart with white scallops around it that said, "You're just WRITE Valentine".  And then on the tip and the eraser we put a heart and a feather-like thing so that it looked like Cupid's Arrow.  It was fun.  We had extra pencils so she made a bunch for her neighborhood friends, too.  The weather has been extraordinarily nice, too, so we went on several walks this week, including walking around to deliver half of them.

Friday, Valentine's Day, Teresa came down to babysit while we went to Les Mis up at Hale.  We got there a little late, so we missed the first scene (about 10 minutes) and apparently what I thought took up half the play was all in those 10 minutes.  I'd never actually seen the play until Friday, but I had heard the music a lot.  But turns out, only hearing the popular songs on shuffle does not help my brain figure out a logical storyline.  I was surprised at how much of the story was completely new for me.  But really well done.  Clearly.  This is Hale.

But apparently we were the very first show, so we got the major technical difficulty.  Just after a certain character commits suicide, the bridge he jumps off of wouldn't go back in for the scene change.  So they had to pause the show for about 20 minutes while the executive producer (who is a daughter of the Hale's) came out and talked to us.  She told us all about how they got the show (they hand picked 8 community theaters across the US to give the rights to, and Hale was one of them) and about the audition process (about 600 people showed up to audition!) and then she started to answer questions... and then they finally got the bridge out.  Problem was, the next show (we were at the matinee) was already scheduled really close after ours, and this pushed it even closer, so when we left, it took us about 20 mins of sitting still in the parking lot before we finally were able to get out.  Yipes!

On the way home we stopped at a multi-ward (including ours) dinner and dance at our stake center.  We ate dinner there and had a great time watching other people dance.  (We're just not fast dancers, I'm sorry.)  And then we came back so that Teresa could go have some Valentine's Day time with Steven.  [wink]

Kessa has been really into drawing and coloring lately.  Like, really good.  Even her preschool teacher is impressed with her progress.  She colored a picture during Joy School a week or two ago that's been hanging up.  I decided to take a picture of it so you could see.  Please note that the colors are in correct rainbow order.  She didn't ask for help.  She just already knows the order of the rainbow.  Goodness gracious that girl.

The Way of Kings sequel comes out next month, so BJ has been reading it again.  Plus they've released the first several chapters online, so we've read those.  Jessa, it's intense.  You have to read!!!

I told you the weather has been nice, right?  Well, yesterday we ended up spending a good chunk of the day outside.  The neighbor girls left a sled outside, but the rain and warm weather have melted almost all the snow.  Abby climbed in the sled, so Kessa started pulling Abby around on the grass!  She actually did pretty good.  Especially after we convinced Abby to drop the rock she was holding and actually hold on so she didn’t fall backwards with every abrupt start.  :)

  • Kessa: I think I know how to drive a car. But I'm not old enough! Because I don't know where to go!
  • Kessa, trying to go to sleep when Abby was wandering about, “Daddy, I’m not pleased with Abby right now!”
  • Abby: Roar!!!
    Kessa: No Abby, a clown doesn't say Roar, an elephant says… No wait. A lion says roar!
  • Kessa, completely out of the blue: Congratulations! You've saved the planet.

    Apparently it's in a game?
  • Kessa wrote a Valentine to her neighbor-friend, Izzy, that says, “I love you more than Tianna.”
    Me: What?! I birthed you and nursed you and fed you and clothed you and you love Izzy more than me?!
    Kessa: I still love you, mom. I still love you a lot.
    BJ: And yet, no denial.
    Me: [sigh]
  • We stayed at a neighbor’s house till late, so the stars were out as we walked home. Kessa pointed to a bright one (BJ thinks it was Jupiter, maybe?) and said, “Look! That’s the star where Heavenly Father was born!”
Have a great week!
~ Tianna and Co.

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