Shawn and Sarah volunteered to babysit Friday night. We weren't sure what we'd do. We wanted to go to the temple (there's a new movie, but we haven't seen it yet because every time we go, either we or the babysitter gets sick!) but I wasn't sure I was up to sitting vertically, watching a movie (screen time makes me nauseated lately), without escape for 2 hours. But the later in the day it got, the better I felt, so we decided to just do it.
Holy cow, such a busy night. We knew the Timp temple was closing for 2 weeks for cleaning, but it didn't occur to us that it would be extra busy. First we ate dinner there, then we got dressed and went up. We got to the temple at 6:50 and watched them walk to the 7:00 session. The chapel was full for the 7:30 session. They directed us to wait in a wedding waiting room for a later session. Such uncomfortable chairs (BJ liked them. I did not.) without even scriptures to read. They finally moved us into the chapel and told us that there were live endowments at 8, so family needed to move to the front. Then they told us that they'd have to move the 8:00 session to 8:15 and the first 5 rows would make it into that one. Then the rest of the rows would make it into the 9:00 session. Guess what row we were on. Yup, row 6. [sigh] At this point I was like, "Maybe you should go get your phone and text Shawn to tell him we'll be late." We'd told them we'd probably be back at 10. But we didn't and then they moved the 8:15 back to 8, then decided they could fit 10 more people and we were first in line. Switching from 9:00 to 8:00 so suddenly made me feel like I'd won the lottery or something. Hah!
We ended up getting home closer to 11 and I was exhausted, but I survived! We joked with Sarah and Shawn that we feared the girls would have gotten sick while we were gone as a bug had been going around and it always happened when we went to the temple. But they assured us the girls were fine and did great. And Jessa, they cleaned my house! (I'm sure it was Sarah's doing. I love her already.) Let me tell you. I typically have a less-than-perfect house, but lately it's been in a constant state of mess except when BJ finds time between work, dinner, dishes, and kids to also clean. It wasn't horrible when they came, but I was a little embarrassed. And they cleaned it! It was so nice to come home to.
And then that night Abby woke up at 12:30 throwing up. And BJ had to clean it all up himself, because when I went to help, I saw the throw up and wanted to puke myself. So I went back to bed. But Abby thought it was play time. So BJ gave her a bath and let her play then put her to bed. Repeat again at 2:30. Then at 3 Kessa woke up with a nightmare, so I took care of that one. Then at 6 I woke up to throw up. Serves us right for going to the temple and not giving Satan notice to make us all sick beforehand! :)
In good news, Abby bounced right back. Even at 12:45 when she was covered with puke and sitting on my bathroom floor, she was smiling and jabbering and just as happy as could be. She dry heaved a little Saturday after her nap, but otherwise was as happy as a clam. I, on the other hand, wasn't nearly so lucky. I'll spare you the details, but let's just say I was absolutely miserable all day. I thought I spent a lot of time on the couch with pregnancy, but I was wrong. I spent all day on the couch or my bed, only getting up to be sick in the bathroom or the once that I made it to the table for a very small sampling of dinner. By last night my hips huuuuuurt. I pray I'm never a bedridden pregnant lady. One day made my hips hurt. I can't lay on my belly or back when big and pregnant. And my tailbone wouldn't let me recline in a chair for long. I'd be horrible. No one would want to be around me. Hah!

Remember the game Myst? Well, the creators are making a new game called Obduction, which has a lot of the same game-play ideas, but is in a different universe or something. They're funding it on Kickstarter. BJ really wants it to succeed. Like, a lot. It's on track to succeed, but it's not there yet. It closes on Thursday, so we'll see. In order to help it out, he offered his programming services, up to 20 hours/month, at half price. Money payable to the Obduction Kickstarter. I think he's filled up 2 months so far. Yesterday he was planning on programming for 6 hours. I don't know if he got any in at all. So hopefully we can get to bed at a reasonable hour, sleep well all night (ahem, kids, take note!), so he can get up early and program before work.
Don't worry, though, today I woke up feeling ten billion times better. I'm still pregnant-sick, but not stomach bug-sick. And I was so hungry today. I guess a tiny bowl of Cheerios, a half a slice of toast and 15 small bites of chicken noodle soup yesterday weren't sufficient? But even then, when I did eat, I couldn't eat much. Pregnancy is so much fun! Haha. Don't let me deter you from getting pregnant someday. :)
Anyway, that's about all my news this week. So let's move on to funny things instead.
Is 22 months too early for a kid to start asking Why?
I was going through old notes on my phone today and found this gem. I honestly have no recollection of the context. It makes too much sense to just be kids playing (even with dictation), but there is definitely some kids playing in there.
It's be like using dfgggghhbgbbnhfgkjjkkpkjfdddsssvuHermeneutics as a breakfast cereal. That doesn't even make sense. Yes it does, tdckjhjit probably has lots of prudence and fiber.gsfmjxcmn g
- Kessa: If you throw up and your hands get full, then keep it in your mouth so it doesn't spill. That's what I did the other night.
- I gave Kessa three choices of chores. Kessa: Oh putting away the dominoes! That's by far the littlest chore!
- The girls are jumping on the tramp. After a couple, “Be carefuls!” from me, Kessa yelled back, “Mom, stop looking over here!”
- Me: you're turning into a well-mannered girl.
Kessa: That's because of you guys!
Daaaawwwww. Warm fuzzies. - Kessa: Giraffes can't breathe because only pink and red tongues can breathe and giraffes have black tongues.
- Kessa: Know what I’m mad about?
BJ: What?
Kessa: That I’m always [hiccup] having hiccups!
<3 Tianna and Co.
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