Wow. It's been awhile since you've gotten a real letter from me, huh? You're luckier than my other blog readers, though. You've at least gotten short emails from my phone as I lay in bed and realize, "Oh crap. It's Sunday night. Jessa is writing in an hour or two and I'm in bed and WAY too tired to go blog." So… lucky you!
Now we're going to attempt to remedy that. And hopefully not too wordily. [crosses fingers] But all the Kessaisms will be at the very bottom. I'm not going to try to spread those out.
Week 1

Not much went on the first of the week. Kessa started preschool, so we didn't have many things planned. She really, really, really wanted to learn to read, so we enrolled her at Learning Dynamics Preschool. She loved her first day, the next two days she struggled with. She realized that none of her friends were attending this school and suddenly she really wanted to go back to Miss Kim's school. Well, sis, it's too late for that. So we had lots of conversations about blooming where you're planted. You just need to be happy where you are and not wish you were somewhere else. That seemed to help.
Thursday we had a stake council meeting which was interpreted as "anyone serving in any auxiliary should come." The chapel was full. But it was a really good meeting about missionary work and incorporating it into our callings.

We ended up freezing, if I remember right, 55 pints of corn, and canning something like 23 pints of beans, and 30-something pints of beets. Plus we picked a big apple box full of apricots. Which I brought home, dehydrated one batch, over-dried them, then gave the rest away. Though, I did end up getting two things of jam from one person who got some. An apricot blueberry and an apricot nectarine. Both were delicious. We even saved some of the beet juice and used it to make a red velvet cake.
I stopped at your parents on my way back for an unofficial 4th Sunday dinner. As they just spent a week together at Lake Powell, they didn't really need one, but your mom graciously offered to let us eat there for dinner, as I wouldn't really have time to come home and make something. It was sad to miss Lake Powell this year, but I'm glad Kessa didn't miss school and we did keep ourselves busy. So the pain was lessened, as I'm sure you understand.
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Abby wanted to help make German pancakes |
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Awww. They love each other. Also, BJ did their hair, bows and all. |
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Playing with Daddy on the swing set |
Travis' birthday was Wednesday, so we had him over for dinner and games. We made a spaghetti from all the veggies in the garden. It was delish. Jessa, the garden is doing so great!

Saturday was stake baptisms. Because it was Labor Day weekend, we only had 3 kids get baptized! We average closer to 9-10/month. So 3 was insane. I just kept feeling like we couldn't possibly be done. We left about an hour earlier than usual. (Don't worry, they all just rescheduled for next month where we'll have 17! Yipes!)
When baptisms were done, we went down to Huntington State Park for Labor Day camping. I already sent you the details, but for our other readers' sake, I'm going to post the letter I sent you here:
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Abby spent several minutes working hard to get a dandelion in her ear. Not over her ear. In it. One in each ear. |
This seems like a good trial of this insane idea. At least in the tent she'll be with us. I'm not entirely sure that's a good thing. :)
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Abby's life jacket is getting a little small. "Dad, I don't like this straight jacket." |
Speaking of insanity, this past week has been insane. Largely because on Thursday we did our annual appreciation dinner for the ward Primaries. That morning my 2nd counselor's mom died. It was expected, though. She had been with her day and night for the past week. I didn't expect for her to be there, and I took her responsibilities for decorations. Then my secretary's father-in-law died of cancer the week before and his funeral was two days before the dinner. I took a few of her responsibilities. Plus I was giving a 20 minute presentation. And I was getting ready for Labor Day camping. And I thought my brother was going to stay at my house while we were gone, so I really wanted to clean. [stress!!!]
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Abby saw the folding table in the motor home and immediately recognized it as the "slide!" |
God answered me. "Your goal for this dinner is to teach them to give their burden to me. To not let their calling stress them out. How can you teach them if you have not yet learned yourself?"
The dinner went great. I lost my 8-page talk. Twice. But found it just in time. I was going to cram during dinner, because I didn't have a lot of time to practice it and I don't like reading talks. I was nervous. A lot. I say down during the opening hymn. I opened my hymn book to #124, Be Still My Soul, and started signing mid-verse. I started to sing at the line, "thy confidence let nothing shake." Very well. I won't stress about it. I will be confident that God will help me through.
I felt great about it. I only referenced my notes when I switched sections to see what was next. My three favorite compliments afterward were 1) "You did amazing! You're a natural!" (My high councilman over primary.) 2) "That is why she is president." (My first counselor.) 3) "That is exactly what our presidency needed to hear. We all went home feeling so uplifted." (A ward counselor.)
I'll send you the talk next week. It isn't perfect, but I'm pleased with it.
I just peeked in on Abby. It's almost 8:00. She fell asleep at the foot of my sleeping bag. Luckily it's still quite warm and she's in fleece footies. I'm not worried about her getting cold. I think I'll go back into the motor home.
This has been a different kind of writing style this far. Guess that's what you get when I'm typing on my phone instead of on my computer with my calendar, Facebook, journal, etc all in front of me.
I was hoping to use my iPhone as a hotspot to Shawn's computer to finish this email, but it hates me. Alas.
Today gave me quite the scare. Well, first, last night was HORRIBLE. I won't go into details, but let's just say we didn't get to sleep until 4:30ish. :S So we were all very tired today.
Selfie of Kessa and I on the boat. |
My heart pounded for 15 minutes.
But she was safe and there are good people in the world and God loves my family. For that, I am grateful and happy.
And now Abby is taking a nap in the motor home. So cross your fingers that she doesn't fall of the bed. Hah!
As a followup, she did nap on the bed, then the next time we tried that, she fell off the bed. So we did naps and bedtime for her in the tent, but then tied the zippers together so she couldn't open them. It was successful.
I'll put Monday in here, too, even though it's technically a new week, but part of the same trip.
Trying to take a picture while running of the gorgeous view |

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BJ doing a reading lesson with Kessa |
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Abby is a dramatic crier. Very dramatic. |
Week 3
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Kessa and Izzy spent one play date filling the crib with toys and blankets. |
Wednesday the girls went to the dentist. We've been reading books about the dentist, so it was all good. They knew what to expect. And at the end Kessa got a sticky hand and Abby got a bouncy ball. So all is well. The only minor problems is that Kessa has a very minor cavity (so small that they won't even do anything about it yet) to watch, but I knew that at the last visit. And Abby's binkies are starting to push her front teeth forward. They'll correct themselves if we take the binkies away, so we're working on that. I also switched for our next visit to go to their other office, which is in walking distance from Kessa's preschool. It will be a different dentist, but they say he's amazing, too. I hope so. I like our current one.
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Then had a picnic in Abby's room. |
We had a game night with some friends from our Orem ward Friday night. I was flattered when I got her message saying that for her 30th birthday she wanted to do a game night with the people she has liked spending time with the most. She invited 6 people. I was one of them. Awwww. We ended up playing Boggle all night. BJ destroyed us all. (There ended up being 6 adults there.) It was nice to get out and play with friends sans kids.
We doggysat Jax this weekend while your parents and Resa went to St. George. It was kind of fun. It'll be weird going to bed tonight and being able to sleep straight, though. He takes up permanent residence at night at the foot of my bed, on my side. Just like when we lived at your parents'. Kessa loved to walk him and often asked if she could put his leash on and walk him around. Inside the house. He didn't love that. Abby woke up both mornings saying, "Doggy? Doggy?" She liked to run after him and pat him. (Which reminds me, every once in awhile I'll be holding her and she'll pat me on the back. Like I do when she's sad and I'm trying to comfort her. Awwww.)
Your mom and Resa came by tonight and ate dinner with us, then played a game of Dominion. It was fun to have them. We don't often do dinners here. Your dad is off doing something back east, so he didn't get to come.
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Jax weekend! Top: Kessa loved walking him. Bottom: I never have to mop again! Payment: lose my foot room at night. :) |
Misc. randomness
I found out today that I'm giving a talk in Stake Conference. Sunday session. 15 minutes. Yipes! Topic: Hastening the work of salvation. Feel free to give me any inspiration you have. :) It's in two weeks.
BJ and I bought Hale season tickets for next year. Hooray! I'm excited. The lineup for 2014 is The Foreigner, Les Miserables (which I've never actually seen, so I'm totally stoked about!), Arsenic and Old Lace, Mary Poppins (which I have also never seen, but this doesn't count as watching the movie. That'll come in the next few years, I'm sure.), She Loves Me, and Catch Me if You Can. We've got tickets to go with Jared Moench twice, so that should be fun.
And… I think that wraps it up! Now for Kessaisms.
- Me: Kessa, I just went on a run and I almost died!
Kessa: No you didn't. You would have to see a big elephant or something and you didn't! - Kessa: Daddy, I forgive you for everything you do wrong!
- BJ: Now I can go in and tell everyone where they're wrong; I'm good at that.
- I just walked by Izzy and Kessa playing and heard Izzy say, “Sister! Why can't you just talk like a normal person?!” (Kessa loves to pretend to be a baby. And talks like one. Usually saying, "Gookie!")
- Me: Maybe her phone is turned off.
Kessa: Or on fire. - Me: Kessa, your daddy is a great daddy.
Kessa: That's why we buyed him. - BJ: I wake up every morning and think, "Man! I'm so glad I'm Shawn's bro-hah!"
- Kessa: Daddy, I love you.
BJ: I love you, too.
Kessa: Everyone loves you, of course! [pause] Everyone loves everyone! - Kessa: Let's pretend I'm Jesus.
Izzy: No, you're not.
Kessa: But I love to be Jesus!
Izzy: But you're not.
Kessa, whining: Yes I am! I love to be Jesus
Izzy: Kessa. Jesus is a boy. - Kessa: I had a dream I could fly in the air! [pause, then very sadly] I want to fly, but I can't. :(
- Kessa: Are turkey and cheese healthy?
Me: mm-hmm
Kessa: Yay! I love beets and cheese and turkey! - Me: What're you thinking?
BJ, singing: No one spits like Gaston...
Kessa: Hey! Don't spit at anyone! That hurts us. I just learned that, and I'm telling everyone.
PS: Videos!
The girls swinging:
Leading Abby by the binkie strap:
1 comment:
What is Joy School? I'm intrigued.
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