Wow. So much to tell this week! And I guess it’s a little more than a week, as I left all of Idaho for this letter. So I guess I’ll just go chronologically this time.
BJ and I managed to get a week up at the cabin in Island Park. We thought the girls might go crazy with a week of no friends, though, so we invited our friends Mitchell and Melanie Harris to come up with us, and bring their kids.
One of these two cows is Voldemoo. |
Kessa and Audrey |
Saturday morning BJ and Mitchell got up and helped build a fence. Can you just see BJ out there digging fence post holes and drilling posts in the ground? Yeah, Mitchell’s the same type of skinny, nerdy guy. Awesome. They also dug up old fence posts, pulled kids around on a board on the flooded lawn (well, Mitchell mostly did that), and helped Damian do some carpet cleaning. And maybe something else in the middle that BJ can’t remember.
Meanwhile Melanie and I left around 11:00 with her twin boys, Reid and Redick, who are just over 1 year. After stopping to go grocery shopping for perishables in Idaho Falls, we made it to Ririe and spent most of our time keeping 5 kids, age 4 and under, out of everyone’s hair, and helping to do some housework. When the guys finally crashed, Mitchell did an excellent job of talking genealogy with my dad (Mitchell works at Ancestry) and Melanie and my mom got along great. When we left Sunday afternoon, Melanie told me that she really enjoyed my parents. Which, of course, makes me happy.
Sunday morning we went to church with my parents. Sunday School and RS were both excellent. My mom took Abby to Nursery and stayed with her during SS, so I actually got to listen at church. Novel concept, really. It was great. After church, we drove up to the cabin. They don’t do nursery at Island Park, so we’ll have to wait till the next week to really get her used to it. Hopefully she’ll warm up quickly.
Tuesday we went to Mesa Falls between naps. We took a double stroller for the boys as far as we could, but then carried the babies down all the stairs. It remains a beautiful waterfall.
The original plan was for the Harris’ to leave Wednesday, but they were having so much fun that they ended up staying an extra day. So Wednesday was pretty chill. There may have been another canoe ride?

End of chronological. Now I’ll just talk about whatever I think of. :D
Speaking of Kessa, her favorite game is to be a baby. Seriously. Anytime she is playing with anyone, the first thing out of her mouth is “You be the mommy/daddy, I’ll be the baby.” She’ll declare her age randomly and try to act accordingly. “Mommy, I’m a newborn baby” and then when she’s tired of sleeping and not walking/talking, she’ll declare, “I’m 1 year old!” and will crawl around, then becomes a 2-year old and can walk and climb ladders. For the most part it’s not a problem, except it can get really annoying when she will say one word repeatedly, all day long. “Cookie!” (which sounds like goo-gie) Or has to be carried everywhere or won’t pray, go potty, etc. by herself. Today we finally had to lay down the law and tell her that there are certain times that she has to be a big girl. When she prays and when she goes potty being in the top two. The funny thing is, when I was a girl I always declared that I wanted to grow up to be a baby. But not because I liked to act like one all the time, but because I wanted to be able to nap all day and when I cried have people drop everything to help me.
Abby adores outside. More than anything else. The second she wakes up she starts saying, “Side? Side?” She’ll run to a door every chance she gets and beg to go outside. Then cry if we don’t let her. BJ is a wonderful dad and takes her out on long walks every day. They’ll go down to the river and make BJ dip her feet in the river. It’s funny because she wants her feet in there, but then it’s so cold that she wants them out. So she’ll willingly go back and forth for a while until her feet are too cold, and then she throws a tantrum because she wants both warm feet and her feet in the water, but can’t have both. Sometimes Kessa goes with and they’ll both have a grand time throwing leaves in the water and watching them float downstream.
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Reid is in blue and Redick in green |
What I didn’t expect was how long it would take Audrey and Kessa to figure out how to play nice. They’re just such good friends at home. At first they were both extra tired, which makes things worse, of course, and we had a couple of instances of Kessa provoking Audrey and Audrey hitting Kessa. (Both times with a pencil. The second time on the bridge of her nose, next to her eye. :/ ) But it went two ways. After we got the hitting calmed down, Kessa took her turn.
Kessa and Audrey were playing when Audrey started screaming. I looked up to see several strands of Audrey's hair in Kessa's hand. After a long time out until Kessa could calm down enough to talk to me (the second she realized I wanted to talk to her, she thought she was in trouble and broke down in hysterics), I went in to figure out exactly what happened. Long story short, this is what I got:
Audrey and Kessa were playing with a one-player toy. They both wanted it. Audrey picked up a piece Kessa wanted and Kessa thought, “When I get hurt and cry, I drop what I'm holding. So [I'll pull] Audrey's hair so [she'll] drop it.”
That is an actual quote from Kessa's mouth. (Adapted to fit the present tense.)
Holy critical thinking, Batman! I had to give her credit for that, even in the middle of telling her that pulling hair is Not Acceptable.

Speaking of things Abby can say, her vocabulary is exploding. Here’s a list of things BJ and I can think of that she can say, but I know the list is bigger than this: banana (na-na-na), strawberry (stwawbewwy), bath (bat), towel (sounds remarkably like cow), hat, hot, cold, cheese (which might possibly just mean all food), outside (side), daddy, mommy (sometimes, but more often than ever before), binkie (inkie), doggy, shoe, sock, help (though she doesn’t know what it means), up, down, NO!!!, ok, Kessa, eat, water (wa-wa), drink (we think?), uh-oh, stinky, cereal.
Abby remains way more adventuresome than Kessa. Being around the energetic twins did nothing to calm her down. Haha. Unfortunately for the poor girl, despite being younger, they have way more experience climbing and such. So while she watched them learn to climb the ladder all week (one got to the point he could climb 3-4 rungs before freaking out), she can’t do it. Which she learned much to her detriment. Within minutes of the Harris’ leaving (I think they might have even still been in the driveway), she attempted to climb. She made it to the first rung and fell off, bonking her head. She keeps trying, but usually instead of standing on the bottom rung, she puts her legs behind it like she’s trying to sit on it, then gets mad because she’s not going up.
But Audrey (who is as energetic as her brothers) seems to be wearing off on Kessa. You will not believe this, but Kessa started going down the ladder by climbing down until she could hang by her hands (no feet), then putting one hand on the rung below (so she’s momentarily hanging by one hand), letting go with the top hand and falling until her hands are on the same rung again. Then repeat with the other hand. All the way down. I know you don’t believe me, but I have video evidence! Which, sadly, you can’t watch. But it can be proof that I’m telling the truth and you can watch it when you get back. Seriously. What happened to my cautious girl?
(video below)

And while the menfolk were on that canoe trip, they saw a bull moose, too! (I haven’t yet seen a bull this trip.)
Just so, so many moosen!*
BJ for some reason decided to start making up a song to the Potter Puppet Pals song, but with kitchen-based words. It’s hard to really write out the words, though, because everything gets said all at once. But it’s the song that goes “Snape. Snape. Severus Snape. Snape. Snape. Severus Snape. Dumbledore!” The lyrics are changed as follows, though:
Severus Snape: “Plates. Plates. Several plates”
Dumbledore: “Silverware!”
Ron Weasley: “Burns. Burns. Burns easily!”
He hasn’t actually figured out Hermione or Harry Potter yet; he keeps trying out new ideas. But he’s been laughing about this all afternoon. He wants to make a video out of it, but we both know that probably won’t ever happen.
Oh, back with the Harris’. One day the girls were exhausted and fell asleep around 5:30 pm. We figured it would just be a short nap. Nope, they slept until 9:30! Kessa woke up and timidly asked if she could come out of her room. Before long Audrey was up too. They played happily while we played a game, so we let them. Then as a special treat, which we normally can’t do as they’re usually asleep while it’s still light out, we went out onto the dock and looked at the stars. Kessa told me she saw a box in the stars. Turns out, she had picked out the big dipper. It was so fun to just sit out there, probably for a half hour or more, cuddled up in a blanket, and look at the stars. I’m excited for when she gets older and can stay up later and appreciate the stars more. Maybe someday we’ll invest in a telescope. BJ would really like to.
Oh, and on Wednesday I wrote this in my journal:
Last night the Harris' and we were playing a game (at the cabin) while the kids were sleeping. At least, the girls were supposed to be. But out of laziness, and acknowledging that it was a sleepover, we decided that we'd let them do whatever as long as they stayed in the room. They did fine for a long time, laughing and giggling, and then Audrey started to open the door and say things like, “I was hurt, but I'm ok now.” Once I heard Kessa tell her, “Go tell your mom that you hit me, but I'm ok now.” And she did! We were trying so hard not to laugh.
But she kept coming out and her parents kept telling her to go to bed. And eventually Kessa started to say that she wanted the lights off and wanted to sleep, so we decided to take action.
Melanie walked into the room and was like, “Woah! Did you put your oils in here, Tianna?!” as she waved her hand over her nose. I quickly checked and my oils were still safely put away. What I had forgotten though, was in the diaper bag (in their room) was a spritz bottle with 10 drops lavender, 10 drops peppermint, and filled with water to dilute.
When it was discovered (and 1/3 empty!), Kessa explained that they were pretending it was hurt medicine. And suddenly all of Audrey's quick jaunts out to tell us one of them was hurt but was better now made sense. They'd pretend they were hurt, spray the “medicine” then come tell us they were ok.
We laughed and laughed while we put them to bed and for awhile thereafter. We had to air out their room for awhile, too. It was so strong!
- BJ: I'm really good at pushing buttons on computers!
- In the car, Kessa and Audrey were smelling each other shoes, declaring that they were yucky, and then throwing them to the floor.
- Kessa: Abby! My foot is not a fruit snack!
- BJ: Dating and not dating is not as simple as Facebook would make it seem.
- Kessa (walking out of the bedroom while riding a small broom): “I came out of Abby's room. That was Heavenly Father's plan, for me to come out of Abby's room.”
- BJ and I were playing a game called Evo which is a dinosaur game. There is a birthing phase where you can put new dinosaurs on the board. I had a card that let me steal one of BJ's babies and replace it with my own. Me: I'm an egg stealer! Bahaha! BJ: You sneaky mom!
- BJ: I love having money in cups!
- Kessa: Abby is trying to pull off my leg. Abby, I have muscles there, so you can't pull it off.
- Kessa: That's why we came here [Island Park]! To pretend I'm a baby. And to see the birds.
- We considered going to Yellowstone Park this morning, but ultimately decided against it. Kessa just told me that she wants to go to Yellow Rock Slide. Haha. (Note: we call the park near our house the Yellow Slide Park.)
- We put cookies in the oven and Kessa wanted the light on so she could see if they were done yet. After carefully examining them through the glass she declared that they needed their privacy and pulled the towel across the handle to cover the glass. When I told BJ he said, “Well, they are changing.”
- Kessa: God doesn't want us to die. He wants us to try very hard not to die in the fire. In the scriptures God is in the fire, so if we get in the fire, God can get in with us. And if it's too high to step into, he can jump!
- Kessa and Abby are in the bathtub together. Kessa: I'm magic! The binkie came out my bum!
Me: That doesn't sound like very good magic.
Kessa: That sounds like great magic, actually!
And now for all the other random photos I took that I didn't find room for above.
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Kessa wanted to me to read to her. She fell asleep in 5 mins flat. |
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Abby always eats her foods in the weirdest ways. Like this cookie that she ate from the front. |
Mitchell cut the girls' sandwiches one day into a pig (left) and a cow (right) |
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"Take a picture of me, Mommy!" |
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Watching the rain. |
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Abby loves hats so much that she sometimes has to improvise with washcloths. |
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After losing all of the binkies, we tied ribbons to all of them. Then she took to carrying all of them around. |
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Kessa washed ALL of the window panes in the doors and the window to the left (not pictured). That's 24 panes in all! All by herself! |
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Oops! Wrong seats! |
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Kessa took Nana for a walk at cousins' dinner |
Well, I think that's enough for one email. Sorry (but not really) for the picture overload. I just didn't know what pictures to cut! And for the rest of my readers (if anyone got down this far), here are two more cute videos:
1) Kessa and Audrey singing Happy Birthday in the car (to Mommy, though who knows which Mommy). They were constantly singing.
2) Abby playing peekaboo with me behind the table.
*Yes, I know the plural of moose is just moose. I simply prefer to say moose.
1 comment:
so nice blogger
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